01 August 2012

Using a connection profile store with BIRT

After a bit of trial-and-error I managed to get connection profiles to work with BIRT. It is important to keep to the following sequence.

  • Open the Data Source Explorer view
  • Create all the connection profiles you need. e.g. test, staging and production for each connection type. Give them names which indicate the environment they are in (MS_SQL_Test, MS_SQL_Prod etc.)
  • Export the required connection profiles to a file in the report project e.g. connectionStore.xml
  • In the report project, create a new DataSource and select the second radio button 'Create from a connection profile in the profile store'
  • Select the profile store file and choose a connection profile. Perhaps deselect the 'Use default data source name' and enter a environment-independant name (e.g. MS_SQL instead of MS_SQL_Test). Choose Ok to end
  • Open the Data Source and select 'Property Binding'
  • Edit 'Connection Profile Name' -- params["__runtime"].value.toLowerCase() == 'prod' ? 'MS SQL Prod' : 'MS SQL Test' -- or something similar. The returned value must correspond to the name of a connection profile in the store.
  • Define a parameter named '__runtime' and use the Combo Box option to set the valid values: 'test', 'prod' etc
  • That's it
You should now be able to select the connection environment using the report parameter.
When I deployed this to the server (websphere) the profile switching between prod & test did not work. This was because the profile store was not being found. Unfortunately, there is no error message - it just takes the default connection settings. The connection store needs to be placed in the server's context root.

16 March 2012

Success with pvc.webcontainer

Finally got my little app working with com.ibm.pvc.webcontainer. I installed the Domino upgrade 8.5.3 and my plugin works! Seems there were problems with 8.5.2.

One important point is to refresh the target definition in eclipse: Window->Prefs->Plug-in Dev->Target. Reload. Otherwise there will be unresolved plugins in the projects.